For this year’s charity auction, we are very happy to collaborate with
Make-A-Wish Germany!
For those of you not familiar, Make-A-Wish is a worldwide charity organization that aims to raise funds to fulfill the wishes of children with critical illnesses; be it travelling, meeting a beloved musician, becoming a firefighter and so on.
The organization has successfully helped realize more than 300,000 wishes since its formation in 1980. All of these children are experiencing incredible hardships, fighting tough battles and possibly feeling alone in the world.
While we might not be able to take their pain away, we do have the power to make a change.
Research shows a wish can give children the strength to fight against and even overcome a critical illness.
It is, of course, the power of a community that can make a change happen. And so, our goal in this is to collect enough money to make it possible for these wishes to come true.
We sincerely hope all of you will be willing to join us and help a child’s dream come true, whoever they are, wherever they come from.
Wanted: In-Kind Donations for the Auctions
This auction can only succeed if you donate valuable items now that will inspire bidders from Europe and from all around the world to reach for new heights of generosity.
To donate in kind to the auction, please fill in the donation form for every item.
For more information about Make-A-Wish and stories of wishes that came true, visit!
If you have any questions, please email contact us via or via our Contact Form.